Thursday, 11 September 2014

Breathing Excersie and Meditation Secrets

Breathing exercise &  Meditation 

Breathing Excercise and meditation can be done as follows
Use this :- 1. Bottle , 2. Pipe /dot pen outer body / straw,3. Semi Boiled water . The dot pen should be cut to two parts and lower length should be inserted in top cap and longer length should be inserted on the side body as shown below .

 Take a empty bottle

Take a dot pen or tube and cut it in to two pieces . the longer length is inserted in the body and shorter length to be inserted from the cap  
Make two holes and insert in the hole cool drink straw or a pipe , outer body of the dot pen ,fill this with hot water 3/4 .
The lower straw should be touching the water

Keep the bottle like this in where one straw is placed inside the mouth and top straw to the nose

4Procedure .

Blow air from the mouth to the hot water by the lower straw,water bubbles and  the hot air escapes from the top straw and enter the nose and you can do it while watching the TV program or till 20 minutes .

You can use vicks at the nose and the hot air give some relief .

Warming the Ear

If you had a hose , the hot air can be blown to the ear for few minutes .

This is similar to Nebulisation where there is no need to buy the device for 500 rupees amount , similar do it with no money .

You will become fresh in few minutes even if you are sleeping .

Warming is good for opening the nose where the wax or cough can block your nose while working in A/C or in cold countries .

In my experience it is good for children to open up the nose , and study late night or morning with out sleeping keeping the mind fresh

Breathing exercise : similar like warming

Place the bottle close to the mouth filled 3/4 of it with mild hot water that touches the lower tube inside the bottle and place the Top tube to the mouth and suck air from the bottle and release from the nose opening left and later by the right , this way you can do the breathing exercise comfortably 

 Breathing exercise , cleaning the nose with hot water vapor  and hot air

Fill the water fully with slightly hot water . the water level in the bottle should be raised from 3/4 level that touches the lower tube to the full level that is inch below to the top of the bottle almost touching the cap
Place the bottle and blow air from the mouth to the bottle by the tube , water and hot air pumps out of the top tube , cleaning the nose with water and also the hot air
After doing this open the cap , rince the mouth and clean the face with the hot water in the bottle and clean the bottle .

Breathing exercise , cleaning the eye with hot water vapor  and hot air

Cleaning the eye with hot air and water to rince by blowing air to the bottle by the pipe down to be blown out from top pipe by placing the bottle like this

Breathing exercise , cleaning the ear with hot water vapour and hot air

 Cleaning the ear with hot air and water to rince by blowing air to the bottle by the pipe down to be blown out from top pipe by placing the bottle like this

Note  : Swami Ramdev breathing execerise can be done as given below ,as this exercise of breathing can only be done by swami Ramdev by bending the body and mind , Then how to do it is given below 
Georgie : This product can be commercially developed for exports also to around the world as it is a Indian medical science of breathing exercise.

I wish to make it branded with thermal sensors and water level sensor in thermo fiber glass flask , if any one can support this can contact me in 09847015595
Yours Sincerly
Georgie S cherian
karimpanoor house , 
Pannivizha , Adoor 691523 


Breathing is good for health and for singing 

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